Can you solve the case, detective?

The best digital detective games

Lifelike Detective Games

Did you know that Jimmy, the brains behind Crimibox, actually spent over a dozen years with the Federal Police of Belgium? Yeah, he figured out that a detective these days can crack a case without even leaving their desk! All they need are some documents, pictures, and other evidence, and they can put together the whole picture. And voila! That’s how Crimibox came into existence.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

After your purchase and account creation you get access to the murder case via your account page. There you will have access to the case. It contains the complete police file, photos, evidence and access to your personal police assistant.

I'm a new detective, which case should I play first?

First and foremost, welcome to our detective corps! For now we have two unsolved case. Ashes and Ink. Those are two seperate cases, so you can play any of those first. We do recommend though starting with Ashes if you're a new detective.

How many people can play a Crimibox?

Crimibox is fun to play on your own, with a friend (or a date!) or with a group. However, we don’t recommend playing in a group larger than 4.

How long does each case take?

One case takes between 90 minutes to 3 hours to complete.

Are these real murder cases?

No. But the founder of Crimibox worked for more than 12 years for the Belgium Police force. He learned there how a real police investigation works. So the Crimibox cases are fictional, but they do feel lifelike.